"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."

- Martin Luther King, Jr.

Citizens Against Legal Abuse, Inc. Blog

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New Orleans, Louisiana, United States
Citizens Against Legal Abuse, Inc. Blog is a Non-Profit organization that is committed to helping those that cannot help themselves. Visit our website: http://www.ca-la.org/

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Cease and desist #1

Mr. Robert L. Lucien, Sr.

P.O. BOX 51386

New Orleans, Louisiana 70151


Mr. William Joseph Hall

233 Idle Acres, Lane

Amite, Louisiana 70422

Certified Receipt No: 7008 1830 0004 1198 7243


April 28, 2011




Mr. Hall,


    Pursuant to my family's original purchase of property from James B. Courtney, ten years in advance of your purchase, and pursuant to the clear and precise language of the law as it relates to ownership of [what is purchased], you are hereby placed on notice that you are violating ROBA
Inc.'s right of passage as

there was never any issue of right of use as none existed. Therefore there existed no defense of prescription based on lack of use.

    Mr. Hall, ROBA has the same legal right of access to their property by operation of law as everyone (including you) to the use of the road that runs from the lake south to north Highway 1047.

Mr. Hall, by refusing ROBA's legal right to the use of the road, you continue to expose yourself to money damages for exercising rights exclusively for yourself that belongs to all who purchased property that the road runs through. This is a violation of the State and Federal Constitution as well as public policy.

Mr. Hall please see enclosed laws, documents, maps and other indicia of what applies to the facts of our property dispute. For your information, Idle Acres Lane is not legally a public road.


Sincerely You're Neighbor,



Robert L. Lucien, Sr.


Cc: Mr. Mitchell Radecker

Mr. Tony Noto & Family

All parties of interest



Certified Receipt No: 7008 1830 0004 1198 7243

Date mailed: April 28, 2011

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