Historical Mapping of
Taken from the Courtney Succession
“This Picture is Worth a Thousand Words”
Citizens Against Legal Abuse
PO Box 51386
New Orleams, LA 70151
St. Helena Parish Police Jury
And All Interested Parties
Police Jury Meeting: May 26, 2009
Citizens Against Legal Abuse
New Orleans, Louisiana
Civil Rights Investigation Property Fraud
Request For Investigation Into Falsely Published Information In 911 Booklet Which Contains Materially False Information About Idle Acres Road
Requested By:
ROBA, INC. Officials
St. Helena Parish Police Jury
ROBA,INC. is an African American Company owned and operated by a Black family
With officers and investors from other walks of life. ROBA, INC. consists of operations which involves general contracting and investing in projects throughout the State of Louisiana and out of Louisiana. ROBA, INC., objective includes but is not limited to the improvement of the lot of all Americans. ROBA, INC. has building and humanitarian projects ongoing for the betterment of citizens who want to help themselves. ROBA, INC. helps to train people in the business and contracting fields and has worked to provide employment while doing so. ROBA, INC. purchased a plot of land in St. Helena property in 1988 and again in 1992 with a spacious lake that provides an outlet for its staff and others. ROBA’s land purchase while made in good faith was met with contrite minds and power brokers who desired to keep ROBA, INC. locked into a property dilemma which would keep the company from maximizing on its investments.
The lake purchased by ROBA, INC., provides opportunities for fishing, swimming, camping and general access for various objectives including but not limited to hunting and nature enjoyment.
Through a series of investigative projects, after having experienced the fact that although ROBA, INC., purchased its property before the whites purchased any of their property from the dominant estate of the James B. Courtney family, ROBA, learned that a gate that was put by one of those families belonging to William Joe Hall, was put up in violation of ROBA’s property rights. Rights that were hidden through a series of legal and technical maneuvers engineered by an attorney, a surveyor and others including James B. Courtney to deprive ROBA, INC. of its rights to the property it purchased from the Courtney estate beginning in 1988 and again in 1992; these acts were done in violation of Louisiana and United States Laws which prohibits the taking of property from Americans citizens without due process of law . Further, ROBA’s rights were violated under civil rights laws which were put in place to protect African Americans from whites who took their property during slavery time by use of force, threat and a Jim Crow laws. The Civil Rights Act of 1871 as Amended in 1964, 1965, 1981, and again in 1991 protects African Americans from the majority population (white America) use of clandestine legal tactics to deprive them of their rights. Title 42 U.S.C. 1983 and its related progeny affords African Americans an opportunity to seek redress of violations of their rights by those who would use Jim Crow and (now) disguised legal tactics to deprive them of their rights. Please find attached an appendix of events which are true and maybe verified under seal of oath against those that are named herein for their role in attempting to deprive ROBA, INC. (an African American Family Corporation) of its rights to the property that it purchased in 1988 and again in 1992, by using disguised legal tactics to fool the owners that they did not have a right to a road identified as IDLE ACRES ROAD/LANE .
As the reader will see, Idle Acres Road/Lane has existed forever was conveyed by title to the legatees through the Courtney Succession and purchased by ROBA,INC. Louisiana Law governs how property is sold, conveyed or otherwise provided to another party by law.
ROBA purchased the rights of James B. Courtney whose rights included but was not limited to the ownership of IDLE ACRES ROAD/LANE, but a document prepared by Attorney Clifton Speed, who was and is currently assistant district attorney also attorney for St. Helena Parish Police Jury who prepared the title abstract for ROBA, INC., as well as those for the white family purchasers materially left out ownership language, in fact changed the chain of title which has deprived ROBA, INC. of their property rights for years. Through a series of investigations ROBA, INC. has uncovered the full plot, even where St. Helena Parish Government has become [in the view of ROBA,INC.] an unwilling participant in a cover up to replace Idle Acres Road/Lane with another identity that would forever deprive ROBA, INC., its representatives, agents, heirs, assigns and man dataries of their Louisiana and United States Constitutional rights.
1. Courtney Succession and James B. Courtney Purchase which established James B. Courtney, ownership of all Courtney Property Interest including but not limited to Idle Acres Road/Lane.
B. James B. Courtney Acquisition of Property from
2. ROBA, INC. Property Purchase From James B. Courtney
(No improvements Included in Survey, nor Title, prepared by attorney Peter Scott Michelle and Surveyor Wallace Adams) Property description) In-spite of the fact that the property which was sold to ROBA, INC., included the following:
1. 40 foot road for ingress and egress
2. 3600 Square Foot Barn
3. The first survey by Wallace was completed contrary to and in violation of Louisiana Survey Standards as are memorialized in the Title 46, LXI Chapter 29. (Click the link below to view)
Idle Acres/Road/Lane clearly visible throughout ROBA's Property.
G. L. Lessard, Sr.'s survey materially demonstrated that Wallace survey was not done according to Louisiana Survey Standards; had it been done so, Wallace survey would have shown ROBA’s property right and ownership.
A. Attorney Clifton Speed materially omitted proper title language and property ownership interest in Idle Acres Road/Lane that should have been in the ROBA’s Title Opinion. Which includes the absence of the north south Idle Acres Road/Lane access from the 10 acre lake south to public road 1047 north. ROBA’s ownership interest of Idle Acres Road/Lane was clearly memorialized in the Courtney Title of ownership filed in St. Helena Parish Conveyance Records… Book 88, P. 89
Clifton Speed Title Opinion falsely stated that ROBA, INC. had no access to a public road, but filed a judgment of possession on 2/19/1992 which showed ROBA’s access.
Note: Attorney Clifton Speed only hours before promulgation of the [untrue fact] that ROBA, INC. had no ownership right of way to a public road; had filed in the public record for the Parish of St. Helena the fact that James B. Courtney (based on Courtney’s purchase from his siblings and mother) owned a road identified as Idle Acres Road/Lane.
On April 16, 2010 the court ordered James B. Courtney correct ROBA's Title, which as of today, it still has not been corrected. See judgment below.
5. Attorney Clifton Speed Issued (yet) a new Title Opinion in 2004 for the white people ( who purchased property from the Courtney estate 10 years after ROBA’s purchase and whose property was serviced by Idle Acres Road/Lane), before the white family's purchased there part of the property, which included the following families:
(3) Tony Louis Noto, Jr. and family
who purchased property from the same dominant estate which included the front part of Idle Acres Road/Lane. Attorney Clifton Speed included in their title opinion the existence of the right of way and servitude associated with Idle Acres Road/Lane that he heretofore left out of the African American Title, Deeds, Surveys and property description that he knew or should have known was required to be there when ROBA purchased the property from James B. Courtney II.
5. The Aubrey Watson family used Idle Acres Road/Lane during this 10 year period to access his property on the opposite side of Courtney’s property. Before the road became a public road, Courtney did not allow the Watson family to use Idle Acres Road/Lane. The Watson family currently uses Idle Acres Road/Lane currently.
6. ROBA, INC. appointed Mr. Robert Lucien to consult with attorney Robert Taylerson regarding road property controversy; attorney Taylerson acting under the false title information done by attorney Clifton Speed filed a law suit based on specific performance on behalf of ROBA, INC. against James B. Courtney to force Courtney to comply with contract to grant right of way.
7. ROBA, INC., having been deceived by the materially false Title opinion rendered and memorialized by attorney Clifton Speed urged this law suit.
8. ROBA, INC. later learned that attorney Clifton Speed’s Title opinion was materially false and ask attorney Peter Scott Michelle for advice on how to remedy the problem.
9. Attorney Peter Scott Michelle pursued the same legal theory as Taylerson although attorney Peter Michelle was provided information to show that ROBA, INC., possessed a property right to the road known as Idle Acres Road/Lane from date of purchase in 1988; however, attorney Peter Michelle did not take the appropriate steps to correct the legal claim.
911 Discrepancies
10. A direct result of the cover up regarding ROBA, INC., rights to property has been the filing of false and untrue information in a parish directory design to make emergency communication and the location of people more accessible. Because a cover up started and is in place to deprive ROBA of its property rights, the Parish Commission adopted a 911 book that contains materially false information regarding a road that is not a road originally found in the maps and officials road identification text of the State of Louisiana. Tony Noto, Jr. Lane exist only for private use and does not have any historical nor legal existence as a road and should not appear in the place of Idle Acres Road/Lane which has a long history of existence.
11. The African American corporation known as ROBA, INC., first purchased property from the James B. Courtney in 1988. ROBA’s second purchase was made in 1992. All legal and proper public records reveal that ROBA has access to a 40 ft. wide road which runs from the lake south, (ROBA owns the lake and all property around it) to public road 1047 north. ROBA purchased all rights owned by James Courtney in 1988. William Joseph Hall, Mitchell Radecker and Tony Noto, Jr. families (who are white) purchased their property in 1998 with the road on it. Attorney Clifton Speed passed Joe Halls act of sale and memorialized the sale showing the existence of the road known as Idle Acres; however, ROBA's title opinion, researched and prepared by attorney Clifton Speed, did not include the (known) access to the public road 1047 which is due by law. Also, clearly, the white families purchased their properties subject to the right of way on the road known as Idle Acres Road possessed by ROBA.
** The above represents some of the most outrageous and despicable examples of blatant, open and direct discrimination in the history of St. Helena Parish. Also, this model shows how overt racism is practiced in the legal profession.